Dear Momma, 

It's an honor to have you visit our page

We want you to know that God sees you and loves you and we are amazed by your strength and courage.

Our prayer for you

...that God gives you comfort and peace as He leads you and your child to the right family for you both and that you feel joy and peace in your decision to grow your family in this way.

We see your sacrifice for your child as one of the most loving acts a mother could ever make. If God does lead you to us, to help care and raise your precious child, we we will cherish you and your child forever. 

We hope you enjoy flipping through these pages and we would love to answer any questions you may have.


Chris and Renee

Our Reason for Adopting...

We have been married for fifteen years and have been praying all this time for a baby to raise and cherish and though we feel we have been waiting forever, we know that God’s timing is perfect.

If given the chance, we will make sure your child knows they are loved by so many, including you, that they are valued and so special. We want to teach them about God and His love for them, how to love and care for others, and how to grow in their dreams and gifts as they get older. We want to help them explore and discover new things about the world and themselves, and have so much fun doing it!

Our Family...

 We come from Diverse Backgrounds     

Chris was adopted from Guam when he was 1 year old and raised in Boston.

Renee is Hungarian and Irish, born in Ohio and moved to Florida when she was 20.

SavannahOur grown daughter from Chris' first marriage

Daana, Dalina, and AnaleahOur daughters and granddaughter from Haiti that came to us through foster care 

Gia and Zoey - Our four legged babies 


Our home is one of shared traditions, love, laughter, and unwavering commitment